Fast, Reliable,

Emroidery & Vinyl Services

Every DESIGN is unique

The perfect solution for…

  • Business

  • Clubs

  • Organization

  • School

Payment Methods

  • Venmo

  • Paypal

  • Cashapp

  • Visa

  • Mastercard


Can I use my own shirts for you to embroider on?

               -Yes, however please contact me directly for pricing.

What is the minimum order?

               -Minimum orders to be placed is 10 shirts/hoodies/beanie hats. If there is a special request for an order smaller that the minimum, please contact me directly.

Is there shipping available?

               -Shipping is available, standard rates apply depending on the shipping speed you choose.

Why choose embroidery over vinyl?

               -Vinyl does not hold up over time. If you look at a shirt with a vinyl printed logo, you should notice cracks in the vinyl. With embroidery, the image will last longer than the material of the shirt. If you are like me, I still have shirts in my closet from many years ago that I loved the logo of, however it doesn’t look appropriate except to sleep in or clean the house in. I can do vinyl work; however, my love is of an embroidered image. Sometimes I will notice that embroidered items stand out or “pop” out more than vinyl.

I received my finished product, what is the white paper looking fabric on the back of the logo (inside of the shirt/hoodie/beanie hat)?

               -A stabilizing tear away backer is needed to embroider onto the material that you have chosen. The remaining backer will wash away in the laundry. 


About the owner

Hi, I’m Donna

A Bit About Sutured Stitching 

I started my business to distract myself from cancer. I was diagnosed 2 years ago just prior to the pandemic with 2 rare cancer genes. I had emergency surgery to remove a large mass from my stomach. That tumor did damage to my intestines, and stomach.

I was working as a Nurse at that time, and like most people; I found myself getting laid off from my job during the pandemic. Since then, I have had numerous surgeries due to my cancer.

I found out that only a million people worldwide have the same cancer genes that I do. There is no real treatment, and not a lot of information, so I am part of a study group. It gives new meaning to “one in a million”.

I decided to take my life back from cancer and felt great after my last surgery. I got another job as a Nurse. I felt great! I was in control of cancer and finally felt like a productive member of my family. We had finally found some normalcy.

At the end of February, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This is a concern since it runs in my family. I was devastated, because once again cancer was controlling my life again. I was started on Chemotherapy and planning a double mastectomy. Chemotherapy created the brain fog, exhaustion, nausea, and the list goes on and on of the side effects that I live with. The best part, I will remain on chemotherapy for 5 years! I refuse to let cancer stop me from doing great things!

I decided to focus on my abilities and not my disability, so I bought the equipment to begin my own embroidery business. I do custom work and have a strong work ethic. I believe that customers should have their orders with a rapid turnaround time. I created my business name to merge my Nursing passion and embroidery. So began my Business as Sutured Stitching. I also do philanthropic work to “pay it forward”. The most recent charity that I worked with was for a Pediatric Hospice. I am a woman owned and operated business, and a minority as I am a Korean American.

I want to thank you for choosing me for all your custom embroidery needs. I am grateful for your support. I have also done some custom vinyl designs as well for some of our local area businesses. Contact me for all your embroidery needs!

Thank you once again for your support!




Get in touch

or call 585.305.4415